Lessons from the Doctrine and Covenants 2021
Lesson No. Fifty

The Proclamation On The Family Is A Test And A Sieve

The proclamation on the family is intended for all the inhabitants of the earth – Most people worldwide have never heard of The Family, A Proclamation to the World, but in the Lord’s timetable enlightened people will learn from observation and experience that what it teaches is true.  The Lord’s prophets have a responsibility to members of the Church and also to all people worldwide.  It is a Proclamation to the World as shown in the Title, and also, the last paragraph “call(s) on responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.”

A test and a sieve – “I believe our attitude toward and use of the family proclamation is [a test] for this generation” (Dallin H. Oaks, The Plan and the Proclamation, Ensign, Nov 2017, 31}.  This is an inspired observation by President Oaks.  Furthermore, this Proclamation is a great sieve which is now sifting the Church.  Those who accept and believe are usually covenant keeping members who stay in the mainstream of the Church.  Those who question it are likely on the edges and often leave the Church.

The proclamation on the family gives prophetic guidance and warning – This Proclamation was presented to the Church by President Gordon B. Hinckley over 26 years ago on September 23, 1995.  At that time many of issues in the Proclamation, that are so divisive today,  were advocated and defended by most people.  The Lord knew what was coming, and He guided His servants in this Proclamation.  The following are eternal truths in the Proclamation that are inconsistent with the world and its thinking:

  1. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the family is central to the plan of happiness – Unbiased studies clearly demonstrate marriage between a man and a woman, and families they establish, brings great stability to and are the building blocks of all societies.

  2. All human beings are created in the image of their heavenly parents and each has a divine nature and destiny – The fact that we have a Heavenly Mother greatly expands our understanding of the eternal importance of the family.  

  3. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose – There was no gender confusion in the premortal existence nor will there be any in the resurrected state.  Because Satan has great influence on the earth, gender confusion is limited to the mortal condition.  

  4. In the premortal existence, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshiped God as their Father –  In the premortal realm the family relationship between our heavenly parents was obvious to their spirit children.  Our heavenly parents have an eternal family, and if we are to grow and mature to become like them we must also.  The plan of happiness provides for eternal families. 

  5. The Lord commands us to multiply and replenish the earth – Today, the birth rate is falling in developed countries worldwide which will lead to huge demographic problems.  

  6. The sacred powers of procreation are only to be employed between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife – Increasing numbers of couples worldwide now choose to cohabitate rather than to marry.  Also the percentage of children born out of wedlock is increasing.

  7. Husbands and wives – mothers and fathers – will be held accountable before God for the discharge of family obligations – An increasing number of men father children and then assume no responsibility.  This is a serious problem with the children individually and with society generally.

  8. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ – Many families have no religion in their home, and many children never learn the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  9. By divine design fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness….Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children….fathers and mothers are obliged to help one another as equal partners – Many people now dispute the traditional roles of fathers and mothers.  They do not believe that a homemaking mother is equal to a bread winning father.  As the Proclamation provides, there are times that necessitate individual adaptation, but general rule is as stated in the Proclamation.

  10. Inspired prophetic warnings are given to individuals, communities, and nations – Disregarding these warning will bring calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.  These calamities are now happening worldwide. 

The world will continue in its downward spiral while the Lord’s Church, which is the kingdom of God on earth, will continue in its upward direction – The gap between the world and the Lord’s Church will continue to widen. This trend will become more and more noticeable, including to people of goodwill worldwide. This Proclamation will resonate with them and they will join the Church. Furthermore, following the teachings of the Proclamation will set the stage and prepare them for happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.