Lessons on the Temple
Lesson No. Seventy-Five
The Temple Helps Return Missionaries to Increase in Spiritual Power
“In the ordinances of [the priesthood] the power of godliness is manifest” (D&C 84:20) – On their missions, missionaries observe in converts and experience themselves the personal spiritual power that making and keeping gospel covenants brings. The only ordinances that we repeat throughout our lives is the sacrament where we renew our baptismal covenants weekly, and the ordinances of the temple. We should worship in the temple often enough so that we are making a sacrifice, remembering that temple worship always has and always will require sacrifice.
Image of missionaries lined in front of the Cebu City, Philippines Temple. (Image sourced from lds.org.)
Temple attendance and being a temple ordinance worker is a way for a return missionary to increase in spiritual power – I have set apart many return missionaries as ordinance workers while in the presidency of the Salt Lake Temple and the Louisville Kentucky Temple, and by special assignment in the Jordan River Temple. I have seen how the temple blesses people. Hopefully all of our grandsons and many of our granddaughters will be return missionaries and attend the temple often as patrons and serve as temple workers. Those who regularly and worthily serve and worship in the temple can receive a “a fullness of the Holy Ghost” (D&C 109:15). This is the only place in scripture that the term “a fullness of the Holy Ghost” is used. This suggests that temple worship will bring spiritual power in abundance in every righteous dimension of our lives.
The following doctrine from Preach My Gospel applies to temple workers (my thoughts are italicized): “You have authority to preach the gospel. (Ordinance and veil workers have authority to administer the ordinances of the temple). As you prayerfully and worthily exercise that authority, you will receive spiritual power….
“When you were set apart by priesthood authority, you received the right and privilege to represent the Lord….The setting apart may be taken literally; it is a setting apart from sin, apart from the carnal; apart from everything which is crude, low, vicious, cheap, or vulgar; set apart from the world to a higher plane of thought and activity… (This certainly applies to temple workers)
“In addition to authority, you are to exercise power in your work. The authority that you have received can lead to power. Indeed, spiritual power is one evidence that your authority is real.
“Spiritual power is a gift that makes it possible for you to do your work more effectively….Your calling gives you authority; keeping your covenants gives you power” (Preach My Gospel, p. 4, 11).
Temple workers and missionaries who “prayerfully and worthily exercise their authority, will receive spiritual power” (Preach My Gospel, p. 4).
Image of Sister (Montemayor) and Brother Domingo; both returned missionaries who wedded amidst the trials of COVID-19. (Image sourced from lds.org.)
The marriage ordinance of the temple is the culminating ordinance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and brings the greatest of all power and blessings – As I review my life, my mission as a young man to London greatly increased my spiritual power. Then for three years my spiritual power did not grow. That changed dramatically when I married Susan Child. Likewise, I have noticed that after they were married most of our elders from the Kentucky Louisville Mission continued to grow spiritually. They are good marriage partners and parents, and they are on the path to endure to the end. I believe that sister return missionaries are more able and likely to increase in spiritual power and stay on the covenant path before they are married.
Testimony – Spiritual power is a gift which we should seek earnestly. Many of us live beneath our privileges and do not earnestly seek or desire this gift. The Lord has told us to “seek ye earnestly the best gifts, always remembering for what they are given; For verily I say unto you, they are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do; that all may be benefited that seek or that ask of me….” (D&C 46:8-9).
Great spiritual power is available to those who magnify their callings, keep their covenants, and earnestly desire it. This applies especially to parents, to temple workers and to missionaries.
As we seek spiritual power we will receive personal revelation and blessings. Our prayers will be answered. We will remember that the spiritual power and gifts of the Spirit which we enjoy in our lives are a manifestation of the tender mercies and loving kindness of the Lord.