Gospel Doctrine Commentary
Lesson No. Seven

"Praise to the Man"

2 Nephi 3 emphasizes the extraordinary life of Joseph Smith – As we study Joseph’s life we can see how the prophecies in 2 Nephi 3 concerning Joseph Smith are being fulfilled in the latter days:

Joseph said:  “I myself hold the keys of this last dispensation, and I forever will hold them in time and in eternity.  So set your hears at rest, for all is well” (Teachings of the Presidents – Joseph Smith, p. 512).  When Joseph was introducing the ordinances of the temple in Nauvoo in 1843 he further explained:  “I…hold the keys of the last kingdom, in which is the dispensation of the fullness of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy Prophets since the world began, under the sealing power of the Melchizedek Priesthood” (HC 6:78).  The sealing power here referred to operates on both sides of the veil under the keys held by the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Joseph is the choice seer spoken of in Vs 5-14.

We believe that:  “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it” (D&C 135:30) – The truth of this very bold statement is apparent when we consider that sooner or later every person who has lived or will live on this earth will have the opportunity to hear and receive the gospel.  Joseph Smith over sees this work as it goes forward on both sides of the veil.  Furthermore, all those who receive the gospel will receive all the saving ordinances.  The work performed in temples on both sides of the veil in our dispensation for the redemption of both the living and the dead is with the keys held by the Prophet Joseph Smith.  The greatness of Joseph’s work is also spoken of in Vs 24.

Joseph Smith’s name was known centuries before he was born (See Vs 15) – Jesus’ name was also known before he was born.  (See Luke 1:31)  Names are important.  (See Helaman 5:4-7)

Joseph Smith was given a spokesman (Vs 15, 18) – Sidney Rigdon was called to be a spokesman for Joseph. (See D&C 100:9, 11) Subsequently, Sidney lost the confidence of Joseph and Joseph no longer considered him a spokesman.  There is reason to think that Hyrum Smith, Joseph’s older brother, became the spokesman for Joseph.  Vs 17 prophesies that Moses’s older brother Aaron will be raised up as a spokesman for Moses.  Then Vs 18 tells of a latter day spokesman for Joseph.  Hyrum was to “act in concert” with Joseph in place of Oliver Cowdery (D&C 124:92-95).  Hyrum is one of the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon.  In this way he is a spokesman for Joseph throughout the earth.

Joseph Smith was instrumental in the Book of Mormon and the Bible coming together – Elder Boyd K. Packer taught that the 1978 LDS edition of the Standard Works together with excerpts from the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, the extensive footnotes, Topical Guide, Bible Dictionary, Indexes, and Maps was the fulfillment of the prophecies that the Bible and the Book of Mormon would grow together to confound false doctrines, remove contention, establish peace, and bring us to a knowledge of our fathers and the covenants of the Lord.  (See Vs 11-12; see also Ezekiel 37:15-20; 1 Nephi 13:38-41)

“As far as our records show Joseph Smith has given us more revealed truth than any prophet who has ever lived upon the face of the earth” (LeGrand Richards, Ensign, May 1981, p. 33). 

“Praise to the Man” – It is a remarkable blessing to live in the dispensation of the fulness of times which is headed by the Prophet Joseph Smith.  In our dispensation there is “a whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys, and powers, and glories….Not only this, but those things which never have been revealed from the foundation of the world, but have been kept hid from the wise and prudent, shall be revealed unto babes and sucklings in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times” (D&C 128:18).  Truly we can sing: “Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah” (LDS Hymns, p. 27).