Gospel Doctrine Commentary
Lesson No. Forty-Two

The Church of Christ in the Last Days

How to identify the Church of Christ – The Nephite disciples asked Jesus to “tell us the name whereby we shall call this church; for there are disputations among the people concerning this matter. And the Lord said unto them:  Verily, verily, I say unto you, why is it that the people should to murmur and dispute because of this thing?  Have they not read the scriptures, which say ye must take upon you the name of Christ, which is my name? … And whoso taketh upon him my name, and endureth to the end, the same shall be saved at the last day” (3 Nephi 27:3-5).  An important way we take upon us His name is to belong to His Church. 

The Lord then gave three tests by which we can identify the true Church of Christ:

  1. The church must be called in His name – “Therefore, whatsoever ye shall do, ye shall do it in my name; therefore ye shall call the church in my name…And how be it my church save it be called in my name” (3 Nephi 27:7-8).  
  2. The church must be built upon His gospel – “…if it be called in my name then it is my church, if it so be that they are built upon my gospel” (3 Nephi 27:8).
  3. The Father will show forth his works in the church – “And if it so be that the church is built upon my gospel then will the Father show forth his own works in it” (3 Nephi 27:10).

The word “Mormon”, as it is commonly used today, refers to the Church of Christ in the last days – The word “Mormon” comes from the Book of Mormon.  It is widely believed that the Book of Mormon is named after the prophet Mormon who was its primary abridger and editor.  This seems logical, but a close reading of the book brings us to a different conclusion.  The word “Mormon” refers to the restoration of the Church of Christ in both Book of Mormon times and the last days.  This is well explained in the following article:  

Alma Baptizes in the Waters of Mormon  -  Arnold Friberg

“In Mormon 1:5 Mormon identifies his lineage. He states that he is a descendant of Nephi and that his father’s name was Mormon. However, he does not state that he was named after his father and this should not be assumed. In fact, he tells us in Third Nephi 5:12 that he was not named after his father, but rather he was named after the land in which a great event took place—the restoration of Christ’s covenant people, Christ’s church.

“’And behold, I am called Mormon, being called after the land of Mormon.  The land in the which Alma did establish the church among this people.  Yea, the first church which was established among them after their transgression.’

“Mormon was not named after his father; he was named after the land of Mormon. He had been taught about his heritage by his parents and understood the sacred significance associated with the name Mormon. No doubt his father also bore the name Mormon for the same reason. In Third Nephi 5:12 he gave us a clear indication that the name Mormon is symbolically synonymous with the restoration of the covenant which took place in the land of Mormon by Alma and his people…The name Mormon became synonymous with the concept of restoring the covenants.

“In light of this understanding, the Book of Mormon is not named for a man. It is named for the place where the covenant was restored. Symbolically, the Book of Mormon bears the name “Book of the Restoration of the Covenant.” Is it any wonder that God used this book to spearhead the Restoration Movement of the 1820s and 1830s?” (David Lamb, The Meaning of the Name “Mormon" from the Zarahemla Research Foundation).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church, meets the three requirements necessary to identify the Church of Christ in the last days:

  • It is called in His name – The Lord revealed the name of His Church in the last days – “For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” (D&C 115:4), 
  • It is built upon His gospel – The Lord said that it is “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (D&C 1:30).  The priesthood authority, which is necessary to administer all the ordinances of the gospel, was restored to Joseph Smith
  • The Father shows forth his works in it – The works of the Father concerning The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints include but are not limited to the following:
    • Continuing revelation to latter day apostles, prophets, and worthy members – “Wherefore, I the Lord…called upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments; And also gave commandments to others, that they might proclaim these things unto the world…that every man might speak in the of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world” (D&C1:17-20).
    • Priesthood authority restored – “And this greater priesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God.  Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest. And without the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh” (D&C 84:19-21). 
    • The coming forth of the Book of Mormon – Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon “by the power of God” (D&C 1:29).  And the Lord Himself testified, “as your Lord and your God liveth it is true” (D&C 17:6).
    • Missionary service – There are tens of thousands of young men and women serving as missionaries throughout the earth in fulfillment of the Lord’s promise: “That the fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers” (D&C 1:23).
    • Humanitarian aid, welfare services, and principles of provident living - The way these programs are organizes and administered by the Church are wonderfully unique and are inspired models of compassion and effectiveness.
    • Family history and genealogical research – The names of tens of millions of ancestors and others who have passed on are now being found and remembered.  In all history there is nothing like it.
    • Temples and eternal families – In temples spread throughout the earth families, in both this life and the next, are being sealed together for time and all eternity.  This is the culminating work of the Father in preparing the earth for the return of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.