Gospel Doctrine Commentary
Lesson No. Twenty-Four

The Pre-Mortal Existence, a Preparatory Redemption, and Election

Sin, repentance, and redemption in the Pre-Mortal Existence –The following italicized quote is taken from a presentation by Robert J. Matthews, former dean of religion at BYU, given at a Church Education meeting on July 10, 1986.  I believe what Brother Matthews teaches is true:

     “We must grasp the concept that there was sin and repentance in the pre-mortal spirit world.  Those who sinned beyond redemption became the one-third who were cast out.  All others (two-thirds) repented through faith in Christ so that all children could be born into morality pure.

     “The grand council in heaven was probably a series of meetings that could have lasted thousands of years.  The idea that we were spirits roaming around who then held one meeting and had one vote is too simplified.  We were taught for centuries.  Those who became the devil and his angels did not become that way through a vote, but a life-style.

     “What did we do in the pre-mortal existence?  We were alive and alert.  We talked.  We met.  Was there sin?  There was enough sin to make one-third of the people there devils.  That’s quite a bit of sin.  If Satan could sin, all others could sin.

     “We were taught the plan of salvation.  We knew about the fall.  We knew about the atonement.  No doubt there were missionaries.  Jesus wasn’t the only one who taught.  We taught the gospel.  We taught repentance.  We weren’t all blobs with Jesus and Lucifer the only ones who spoke followed by a vote.

     “In Abraham 3:22 the Lord mentions great and noble spirits.  How did they get that way?  They became and noble through study and righteous living.  How did we get away from sin?  We did it through repentance and faith in the name of Jesus Christ.

     “Doctrine and Covenants 93:38 says every spirit was innocent “in the beginning” (when he or she was born as a spirit) “and God having redeemed man from the fall, men became again in their infant state, innocent before God.”  The atonement accomplished on earth had effect in the pre-existence, and those who kept their first estate in the pre-existence became again innocent before God before they were born.  Many had sinned in between the time they were born as spirits and the time they were born on the earth.

     “Brother Matthews said to Elder Bruce R. McConkie, ‘May I ask you a question?’  Elder McConkie replied, ‘Please do.’  Brother Matthews read D&C 93:38 and asked if it could mean the aforementioned explanation.  Elder McConkie said, ‘Of course it teaches that.  What else could it mean?’

     “When we started as spirits we were all equal and ‘on the same standing’ (Alma 13:4-5).  Because of sin we had to have faith in the plan of redemption and to repent in the pre-existence in order to be born innocent in mortality.  We should not make the first estate a vacuum.”

A preparatory redemption – In the pre-mortal existence everyone began equal and “on the same standing” (Alma 13:5).  When we had matured to a certain point it was time to leave our celestial home with our Heavenly Parents, and continue our spiritual growth in a premortal spirit world which our Father had prepared for this very purpose.   

Life in the premortal spirit world was in many ways like our life on the earth.  There, living away from our celestial home, we experienced greater opposition, our agency increased, and Lucifer promoted sin and rebellion.  However, “on account of [our] exceeding faith and good works…being left to choose good or evil; therefore having chosen good, and exercising exceeding great faith, are called with a holy calling, yea, with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption…through the atonement of the Only Begotten Son” (Alma 13:3-5, emphasis added).  Through a preparatory redemption everyone who was born on earth “became again, in their infant state, innocent before God” (D&C 93:38).

The doctrine of election – “Election is a theological term primarily denoting God’s choice of the house of Israel to be the covenant people with privileges and responsibilities, that they might become a means of blessing to the whole world” (LDS Bible Dictionary, Election).

In the pre-mortal existence we developed capacities, abilities, talents, gifts, interests, and our personalities.  Spirituality, or the ability to have faith and believe, is the greatest talent we brought to mortality from the pre-mortal existence.  “The elect are chosen even before the foundation of the world” (Ibid), or in the pre-mortal existence, on account of their exceeding faith and good works.  This election “has reference to one’s situation in mortality; that is being born at a time, at a place, and in circumstances where one will come in favorable contact with the gospel.  This election took place in the premortal existence” (Ibid).

Testimony – The doctrines of pre-mortal existence, preparatory redemption, and election teach us that we have become who we are now after an almost infinite period of time and experiences. 

The most important test of our entire existence is taking place right now in just one night in a third rate hotel which is “hardly a nanosecond compared with eternity” (Russell M. Nelson, Choices for Eternity, worldwide devotional for young adults, May 15, 2022).  If we understand who we really are it will motivate us to live the gospel.  Then that third rate hotel will have a very comfortable bed, and we will rise, refreshed and invigorated, in the morning of the first resurrection.