Flying Lesson No. Two

The Holy Ghost Protects Against Spiritual Vertigo

Instrument panel in a KC-135 tanker. Larry is advancing the throttles on takeoff.

Vertigo ‑ Pilots are taught that they must rely on their instruments because our physical senses can deceive us. Even the best pilots will quickly become disoriented if they attempt to fly in clouds without instruments. This is because what we see with our eyes is the primary way that we orient ourselves. Therefore, if a pilot can't see the ground and begins a turn after a short time the fluid in his inner ear will cause him to feel that he has returned to straight and level flight. If he does not begin to rely on his instruments he may increase the rate of turn and start to lose altitude. The pilot becomes more confused and disoriented which easily can result in vertigo and a grave yard spiral into the ground.

From Vertigo into the Sunlight ‑On takeoff as an aircraft begins to climb there may be a cloud cover a few hundred feet above the runway. This layer of clouds may be thousands of feet thick. The pilot must transition to his instruments from watching the runway as the aircraft lifts off. This is necessary in order to keep climbing at a safe rate and angle. This is especially true if there is turbulence in the cloud cover.  If the transition to instrument flying is not made quickly, vertigo is the likely result. This is particularly dangerous because the aircraft is still close to the ground. On the other hand if the pilot relies on his instruments and just keeps climbing at a safe rate and angle he will break out on top of the clouds. One of the most exhilarating experiences of flying is to break out of dark and threatening clouds into brilliant sunlight.  Above the clouds it seems you can see forever.

Lesson for Life ‑The Holy Ghost is the instrument God has provided which will always keep us properly oriented. There are times when our life seems filled with dark clouds and turbulence. This is not unusual. One of the main purposes of life is to learn patience and how to overcome challenges and adversity. The only solution when we are in the clouds of life is to keep the commandments. The companionship of the Holy Ghost gives us patience and direction, and we just keep climbing at a safe rate and angle.  We don't know how long it will take or how thick the cloud cover is but we put our trust in the Lord not knowing whether he will remove the obstacle or give us strength to live with it. In either event the Holy Ghost will guide our lives and we will break out on top of the clouds into brilliant sunlight.

Testimony of the Importance of the Gift of the Holy Ghost ‑ Nephi taught, "For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do" (2 Nephi 32:5). I add my testimony to what President Hinckley taught about the importance of the gift of the Holy Ghost, "There is no greater blessing that can come into our lives than ... the companionship of the Holy Spirit.”

I testify that if we live worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost, he will help us to successfully complete our missions here on earth. He will do this by guiding us, protecting us, comforting us, and otherwise helping us in all areas of our lives.