Current Lessons
Lesson No. Twenty-Seven

An Easter Testimony of the Atonement and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ

President Nelson has taught that we should focus our lives on Jesus Christ.  The definition of the word “focus” is: “A center of activity, attraction, or attention” (Dictionary.Com).  The following are some of the ways President Nelson has directed our focus on our Lord, Jesus Christ:

-        The Atonement of Jesus Christ – President Nelson taught that we should not simply use the word “atonement” but that we should be explicit and say, think, and remember that it is the “atonement of Jesus Christ” that makes all the difference in our lives now and in eternity.  (See Russell M. Nelson, Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives, General Conference, April 2017)

-        The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – President Nelson has taught that we should not use the word “Mormon” or “Mormon Church” to identify ourselves or the Lord’s Church.  (See Russell M. Nelson, The Correct Name of the Church, General Conference, October 2018)  We are to remember that we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is the name the Lord gave to His Church.  (See D&C 115:4)

-        Recent adjustments to the temple endowment fine tunes our focus on Jesus Christ – One week after the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, the first temple in this dispensation, the Lord appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and accepted the Temple as His House.  Latter day temples are the House of the Lord and have always centered on Jesus Christ.  The recent adjustments to the temple endowment, directed by President Nelson, more than ever before, focus on Jesus Christ.

-        President Nelson is leading a Church wide emphasis on celebrating Holy Week – The primary focus of Holy Week is on Jesus’ atoning sacrifice on Good Friday and His resurrection on Easter.   Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and ends with His resurrection on Easter Morning.


Other ways to more clearly focus on the Lord Jesus Christ include the following:

-        Faith does not stand alone, but it is “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ” (Articles of Faith 1:4) –    We must always remember that our faith must be focused on Jesus Christ.  Faith, like the atonement, does not stand alone, and must be clearly centered on and connected to Jesus Christ. We should seek to increase our “faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

-        The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper – The word “sacrament” is a term that for most Christians has a broad meaning and can include baptism, confirmation, and the Lord’s Supper. “For Latter-day Saints, sacrament refers to the ordinance of partaking of bread and water in remembrance of Christ’s atoning sacrifice….At the Last Supper, Jesus explained the ordinance of the sacrament as He ate with the Twelve Apostles (Matt. 26:17-28; Luke 22:1-20)” (Guide to the Scriptures, Sacrament).  President Howard W. Hunter taught much about The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.  (See Teaching of the Presidents of the Church: Howard W. Hunter, Chapter 15)  When we partake of the sacrament we should remember that we are specifically partaking of the “Sacrament of the Lord Supper”.


Because of latter day revelation we have a much greater knowledge of the Lord and His ministry. The following are examples:

-        The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ, teaches of the Lord’s three-day resurrected ministry among the Nephites – Third Nephi in the Book of Mormon provides greatest tangible evidence, now available on the earth, of the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ.       

-        The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible teaches what Jesus did on His last Sabbath in mortality, the day before the triumphal entry into Jerusalem – Elder Bruce R. McConkie has written about the importance of what happened on this day.  I quote extensively from Elder McConkie in Lessons from the Doctrine and Covenants 2021, Lesson 25, An Ordinance in Preparation for Easter.   

-        D&C 138 reveals that on the Sabbath when His body was in the tomb Jesus was organizing His Church in the Spirit World We also know other things about the post-mortal spirit world.  Some of these are in Lessons on the Plan of Salvation, Lesson 31, The Post-Mortal Spirit World.


The Garden of Gethsemane and the Cross of Calvary – The Lord described His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane:  “Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit – and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink – “ (D&C 19:18).  This amazing account is only found in latter day revelation and is unknown to the world in general.

Jesus’ suffering or passion on the cross of Calvary is widely known and remembered among Believers.  The Christian world is sometimes, understandable, confused with the thinking of many members of the Lord’s Restored Church who emphasize Jesus’ suffering in Gethsemane, and seem not to appreciate His suffering on the Cross.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches and believes the following:  “At the ninth hour, or about three in the afternoon, a loud voice, surpassing the most anguished cry of physical suffering issued for the central cross, rending the dreadful darkness.  It was the voice of the Christ:  ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?  Which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’  What mind of man can fathom the significance of that awful cry?  It seems, that in addition to the fearful  suffering incident to crucifixion, the agony of Gethsemane had recurred, intensified beyond human power to endure” (James E. Talmage, Jesus The Christ, p.660-61, emphasis added).

Testimony – The accompanying picture of Jesus has had a prominent place in our home and has blessed our lives for over 50 years.  As two latter day disciples of “The Living Christ”, Susan and I add our testimony to the Testimony of  Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints given to the world on January 1, 2000.  We joyfully testify:  We Know That Our Redeemer Lives.   

Seeing, Feeling and Knowing the Savior

I see the Saviors love for each of us in the beginning of every new day,

I see His love in the miracles of newborn babies and children at play.

I see His love in the majesty of the perfectly aligned starry night sky,

I see His love as season changes bring life to that which seemed to die.

I feel His love when I pray and receive peace and comfort as I humbly plea,

I feel His love receiving the sacrament remembering His Atonement for me.

I feel His love in His Temple as I am taught His loving Eternal Plan,

I feel His love as I watch good people serving others doing all they can.

I know the Savior loves me so I will try to learn more about Him each day,

I know the Savior loves me so I will try to emulate his kindness in every way.

I know the Savior loves me so I will try to be his hands and words in all I do,

I know the Savior loves me so I will do all I can to show I Love our Savior too.

By Susan Lunt