Current Lessons
Lesson No. Forty-One

Pioneers and the Grace of Jesus Christ

Photo of a statue depicting Albert and Catherine Petty bereaving the loss of their two infants at Winter Quarters, Nebraska.

Winter Quarters, Nebraska – On September 28, 1846 Brigham Young received word that hundreds of members of the Church had left Nauvoo and were on the trail to Winter Quarters. They were in dire circumstances. Not wanting anyone left behind Brigham called the brethren together and gave them this charge: “Let the fire of the covenant you made in the House of the Lord (Nauvoo Temple), burn in your hearts, like flame unquenchable” (Journal History, 28 September 1846,5). Within a few days, in spite of near destitute conditions in Winter Quarters, many wagons went to the rescue.

Albert Petty, my second great grandfather, and his wife Catherine received their temple blessings in the Nauvoo Temple – In July 1846 they were forced to leave Nauvoo. On the trail to Winter Quarters, on October 9, 1846, Catherine gave birth to their ninth child, Mary Ann Petty. Mary Ann died 12 days later in Winter Quarters. It took about 4 months to travel 500 miles over swamps and across streams and through thickly covered hills with brush and trees. Catherine endured the last 4 months of her pregnancy under most difficult conditions. Four months later, in the difficult living condition in Winter Quarters, they lost a second child, nine-year-old John Ralph Petty.

Photo of “This Is the Place” Monument at the mouth of Immigration Canyon, Salt Lake City, UT.

Albert Petty did whatever he was asked to do to serve and build up the kingdom of God – Albert’s obituary of July 1869 was short but we learn from the time he was baptized he spent his life responding to calls from the Lord’s living Prophet: “Albert was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the year 1835 in Benton County, Tennessee, from there moved to Far West, Missouri in 1836, where he remained until they were driven. He moved from thence to Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois in 1840. In 1842, he was sent to Tennessee on a mission, and returned to Nauvoo before the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He remained in Nauvoo until the break up of that place, and in 1846 moved to Winter Quarters and thence in the year 1848, to Salt Lake City. He remained there one year, when he was sent to Manti, Sanpete, and remained until the Spring of 1862 when he moved to Kane Count where he died. He was faithful to the principles of the Latter-day work, and was beloved by all who knew him.” – The Deseret News.

Lesson for today – Serving the Lord brings His grace. When Alma the elder fled from king Noah many followed. He taught them the words of Abinadi and they were baptized. (See Mosiah 18:1-16) Then Alma “having authority from God” organized “the Church of Christ” among these Nephites. Alma continued to teach the gospel including the importance of the Sabbath and of avoiding contention. (See Mosiah 18:17-25) Then he taught them about “grace” saying that “for their labor (in serving the Lord) they were to receive the grace of God, that they might wax strong in the Spirit, having a knowledge of God…” (Mosiah 18:26, italics mine, see also Mosiah 27:5).

Grace is the celestial currency we are paid for our service to the Lord – “The main idea of the word is divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ….It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. This grace is an enabling power that allow men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts” (LDS Bible Dictionary, Grace).

Our pioneer ancestors received the grace of Jesus Christ – They suffered and sacrificed and endured so well because they received the grace of Jesus Christ, and they waxed strong in the Spirit, and they knew the Lord. (See Mosiah 18:26) These blessings all came by doing whatever the Lord’s living Prophet asked of them, and in this way the fire of their temple covenants burned in their hearts like flame unquenchable.

Testimony – Today, unlike the days of Alma or Joseph Smith or Brigham Young, we are a worldwide Church, and through modern technology we receive regular instructions and guidance from the Lord’s living Prophet. Also, because of the size of the Church, the Prophet delegates priesthood keys to bishops and stake presidents. We also receive the grace of Jesus Christ as we respond to calls and instruction from our living Prophet and from our local priesthood leaders. The grace of Jesus Christ, as with our pioneer ancestors, enables us to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation. Yes, good works are important, but it is important to remember that in the end it is by the grace of Jesus Christ that we are saved, after all we can do. (See 2 Nephi 25:23).

Released on July 21st. 2024.