Current Lesson No. Fifteen

Parents Do Matter

Parents Empowered promotes effective parenting - The details of what constitutes effective parenting can be debated, but what is not debatable is that parents matter, and that it makes a huge difference if parents are actively engaged in the lives of their children.  Studies show that teens listen to their parents more than anybody else, including friends.  Underage drinking is one of many good examples of this.

Parents Empowered is the nation’s premier underage drinking prevention program.  Parents Empowered has brought together the public and private sectors in the state of Utah to educate parents on the horrible hazards of underage drinking.  Parents Empowered has proven that parents do matter.

Parents Empowered ( gives important reasons why parents need to be pro-actively involved in the lives of their children.  I invite you to visit this web site and become aware of the threat of underage drinking. You will also learn that the solution to this and many other problems in our society, is effective and engaged parenting.  

I wrote the following Guest Opinion which was published in the Provo Daily Herald on February 3, 2018.  This article was sent to legislators and other opinion leaders in Utah.  Because of this, and the work of many others, the Utah Legislature is very aware of the importance of educating parents about the need for close involvement in the lives of their children generally, and specifically in preventing underage drinking.   



Save Parents Empowered to save our children

I am writing to let Utahns know that I am deeply concerned about the well-being of our children. I served as Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Utah Alcohol Beverage Control Commission for 10 years.