Lessons on the Plan of Salvation
Lesson No. Forty-Four

The Resurrection, the Judgment, and the Atonement of Christ

The resurrection and the judgment are necessary parts of the plan of salvation – “The doctrines of the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment are necessary to preach among the first principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ” (The Words of Joseph Smith, p. 4).  Furthermore, the doctrines of resurrection and judgment are essentially the same.  

The Prophet Joseph Smith and latter-day scriptures greatly expands our knowledge of the resurrection and judgment.  They are taught together as an essential part of the plan of salvation.

When we are resurrected we are also judged – In the resurrection our body becomes immortal and our spirit is judged according to our works and our desires while in our probationary estate.  For those who have the gospel in mortality their probation ends at death.  For those who did not have the gospel in mortality their probationary estate is extended into the spirit world. 

After we have had an opportunity to receive and obey the gospel whether in this life or in the next, we will be resurrected.  The type and quality of our resurrection is how we are judged.

  • “The plan of restoration (the resurrection) is requisite (consistent) with the justice of God for all things to be restored (resurrected) to their proper order.  Behold, it is requisite (consistent) and just, according to the power and resurrection of Christ that the soul (spirit) of man should be restored to its body…. And it is requisite (consistent) with the justice of God that men should be judged according to their works…Therefore, all things shall be restored (resurrected) to their proper order” (Alma 41:2-4, parentheses are mine). 
  • Jacob taught: “When all men shall have passed from this first death unto life, insomuch as they have become immortal (resurrected) they must appear before the judgment seat of the Holy One of Israel; and then cometh the judgment, and then must they be judged according to the holy judgment of God” (2 Nephi 9:15).
  • At death life continues in the spirit world where there is a preliminary judgment and the righteous go to paradise and are separated from the wicked who go to spirit prison.  (See Alma 40:11-15)  In this transition from mortality to the spirit world there is an assignment to either paradise or prison.  This pattern is followed as we transition from the spirit world to the resurrection.  At the resurrection there is a final judgment, and the righteous are given a celestial glory and the others are given a telestial or a terrestrial glory.
  • “Obedience to celestial, terrestrial or telestial law prepares men for those respective kingdoms and glories” (Introduction to D&C 88 describing verses 17-31).  If we can live celestial law we will be judged worthy of the celestial kingdom, and we will be resurrected with a celestial body.  This same principle applies to the terrestrial and telestial kingdom.

Testimony – We are blessed to have the Book of Mormon and other scriptures that teach us about the resurrection, the judgment, and the atonement of Christ. These doctrines are among the mysteries of God that are revealed to and taught by prophets.  We then gain a testimony of them by the Holy Spirit through study and prayer. 

Knowledge of the resurrection, the judgment, and the atonement of Christ will motivate us to greater faith and give us the desire to be strictly obedient in keeping all the commandments.