Lessons on the Plan of Salvation
Lesson No. Twelve

The Talent of Spirituality is Mastered in Mortality

Our first lessons were learned and talents developed in the pre-mortal existence – All children of God receive their first lessons in the pre-earth life.  (See D&C 138:56).  Over an extended period of time, we developed capacities, abilities, talents, gifts, interests, and our personalities.  We brought all of this with us when we came to earth life. 

Our granddaughter Rebecca at age 12

Our granddaughter Rebecca at age 12

Our neighborhood Elementary School holds an annual contest on Pi Day (March 14 or 3.14) to determine which student can correctly recite pi to the furthest decimal.  (Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and is a never-ending number that never repeats itself)    

Our beautiful, brilliant, and then 12-year-old granddaughter Rebecca Lunt won this contest when she recited by memory pi to 119 decimal places: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816 406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306

Rebecca began developing her intellect in the pre-existence and she continues to develop it. We should all work hard to identify and develop the talents we brought from the pre-existence.

Spirituality, which is the ability to have and exercise faith, is the greatest of all talents – Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles taught that in the pre-existence “we developed talents, gifts, and aptitudes; there our capacities and abilities took form; there, by obedience to law, we were endowed with the power, in one degree or another, to believe the truth and follow the promptings of the Spirit.  And the talent of greatest worth was that of spirituality, for it enables us to hearken to the “Holy Spirit and accept that gospel which prepares us for eternal life” (Bruce R. McConkie, New Witness for Articles of Faith, p. 61).

The family of Abraham earned special opportunities in the pre-existence – The family organization is the means by which our Heavenly Father accomplishes His purposes.  He does this by sending His choice spirit children to mortality in righteous families whose members developed the talent of spirituality in the pre-earth life and continue to do so in this life.

Spirituality developed in the pre-earth life determines who will enjoy the blessings of being a member of the house of Israel and being born in favorable circumstances where they will receive the gospel in this life. (See Bible Dictionary, Election, p. 662-63; Alma 13:3). 

Abraham’s posterity, members of the House of Israel, earned the right in the pre-earth life to have the gospel in mortality.  If they keep their covenants in this life they will receive the blessings of the priesthood “even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal” (Abraham 2:9-11).     

This life is the time to increase in faith and spirituality – The Savior commanded, “Be ye therefore perfect” (Matt. 5:48).  The footnotes explain that the Greek word translated as perfect means “complete, finished, fully developed.”   We are to use this mortal probation to “fully develop” our talents, especially that of spirituality.  If we do so we will become “complete” and “finished” and exalted in the kingdom of our Father.  This is the greatest of all blessings.