Lessons on Missionary Service
Appendix A

Introduction to Sister Lunt’s Missionary Messages

Louisville, Kentucky

One of the times of the most spiritual growth in my personal life was during my service in the Kentucky Louisville Mission. It was during this time that I really learned to rely on the Savior in all things, and to go forward with greater faith than I knew I had. From the time we were called by President Hinckley, and gathered five of our six children and our belongings together to leave, and said goodbye to our oldest daughter after her wedding, and buried my father, I had little time to prepare. Instead, I quietly repeated 1 Nephi 3:7 to myself, and I was sustained by my testimony that my Heavenly Father would “prepare a way for me to accomplish the things he had commanded me.”

When I look back on my three years of missionary service in Kentucky and remember the many blessings and spiritual growth in my life and in the lives of my family, I know the Lord answered my prayers in every way. This wonderful opportunity has changed my life and the lives of my family forever. Missionary service is one of the greatest gifts we have been given so that we can learn to become more like our Savior. I continually witnessed the hand of the Lord in our lives, and came home with a firm testimony of Joseph Smith, of the reality of the promptings of the Holy Ghost, of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of Heavenly Father.

The following are Messages I sent to our missionaries each month in The Iron Rod, our monthly mission letter. I truly loved each missionary, and felt that they were my adopted sons and daughters:

Sister Lunt’s Messages (CLICK to View)