Lessons on Missionary Service
Lesson No. Twenty-Seven

Our Family Legacy of Missionary Service

The First of many future generations of missionaries in our family - Jessica Hilton is the daughter of Dan and Michelle Lunt Hilton and our oldest grandchild.  She is the first of our next generation of missionaries.  Jessie's testimony and missionary service is a wonderful example of the legacy we hope to leave for future generations of our family.  The following is part of the testimony Jessie gave at her farewell address prior to leaving for the Colorado Denver South Mission.

"I want to bear my testimony that I know this Church is true, and I love this gospel. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to share it with others. I love the fact that we have a latter-day prophet and latter-day revelation. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon. I know that it is another testament of our Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the plain and precious truths it contains. I am grateful for eternal families. I am so grateful for parents who have helped me to become a better person in all aspects of life and for sisters who have touched me with their own examples as they live their lives. I love this gospel and am so grateful for this opportunity to serve."

Our family legacy of missionary service - There are many families in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who, from generation to generation, have a tradition of missionary service.  This is an important part of the legacy we hope to leave our family in all future generations.  Our legacy of missionary service in future generations has begun.  I will add to this list as grandchildren are called on missions:

Sister Jessica Hilton
Colorado Denver South Mission

Sister Hannah Lunt
Romania Moldova Mission

Elder Joseph Lunt
Chile Santiago West Mission

Sister Kristina Hilton
Chile Concepcion South Mission