Lessons on Missionary Service
Lesson No. Two

Doing Missionary Work the Lord's Way

Our granddaughter, Kristina Hilton, doing missionary work the Lord's way in Chile.

The prophet speaks for the Lord, and when the prophet speaks the Lord is bound – The Lord said: “Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them…For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith” (D&C 21:4-5).

The Lord also said:  “I, the Lord am bound when ye do what I say” (D&C 82:10).  These scriptures are fundamental to the operation of the Lord’s Church.  This includes doing missionary work the Lord’s way.

Doing missionary work the Lord’s way is to follow the prophet – On July 1, 1990, the first day of our mission, we sent the letter to the missionaries and members of our mission.  This letter called for “doing missionary work the Lord’s way”, and doing missionary work the Lord’s way became the theme of our entire mission.

In July 1990 we published first edition of The Iron Rod which was the name of our monthly letter.  The first paragraph of that letter stated:  “It is our desire to do missionary work the Lord’s way.  We know what the Lord’s way is because He has spoken directly to us through His prophet, President Ezra Taft Benson.”  Doing missionary work the Lord’s way is to follow the prophet.

Returning Mission President’s Report – At the conclusion of our mission I was asked to submit an extensive report to our Church leaders.  Among other things, that report asked me to “describe training programs that significantly helped missionaries improve their proselyting skills.”  In answer I wrote in part:

“The training programs and material received from the Missionary Department are by far the best way to help missionaries improve their proselyting skills.  I have followed the approved program for training missionaries and have emphasized it on a continual basis.”

That report also asked me to “describe effective proselyting programs and explain why you feel they were effective.”  In answer I wrote:  “I have taught my missionaries that the most effective proselyting programs are those received from the Missionary Department.  The Lord inspires the Brethren who he has called, and we sustain them by following the counsel and direction that they give us.”

The central message of my Returning Mission President’s Report was the importance of doing missionary work the Lord’s way by following the Brethren.

Preach My Gospel: A guide to Missionary Service is the Lord’s way of doing missionary work – This manual was published by the Church and endorsed by the First Presidency in 2004.  Since then doing missionary work the Lord’s way is to follow the inspired guidance given in Preach My Gospel

Former missionary materials were effective for their time, but the world has changed dramatically.  While wickedness increases world-wide the Lord is accelerating His work throughout the earth.  Members of His Church are encouraged to study and use Preach My Gospel.  Not only will it help all of us to be more effective member missionaries, it includes inspired insights on how we can be better members of the Church and more productive in our personal lives.

We have studied Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service.  We testify that it is the Lord’s way of doing missionary work at this most remarkable time in the history of the world.  We further testify that following the principles Preach My Gospel teaches will bless our life in wonderful ways.