Lessons on Missionary Service
Lesson No. Seven

Understanding Patriarchal Blessings is a Powerful Motivator for Missionaries

Missionaries need a Patriarchal Blessing – I received my Patriarchal Blessing from Eldred G. Smith on February 1, 1961 at the age of seventeen two years prior to going on my mission.   Eldred G. Smith was Patriarch to the Church and a neighbor.  I was his junior home teaching companion. 

The office of patriarch was first held in this dispensation by Joseph Smith, Sr followed by his son Hyrum Smith.  As in ancient times, this office came down to Eldred G. Smith by lineal descent.  Now that each stake has a patriarch there is no longer a need for a Patriarch to the Church.

My patriarchal blessing was a strength to me as a young missionary.  When Sue and I served in the Kentucky Louisville Mission our patriarchal blessings were an important reminder of our responsibilities.  Sue sets a wonderful example as she continues to read her patriarchal blessing often.   

Patriarchal blessings declare lineage – A patriarch pronounces many wonderful blessings.  He is required to declare our linage in the house of Israel.  In my case Elder Smith said:  “thou are heir to thine inheritance blessings through the lineage of Ephraim the son of Joseph….They are choice blessings which come unto thee through thy lineage and shall continually be increased unto thee through thy faithfulness.”  As far as I know each of our family who has had their blessing is of Ephraim.

Jacob Blessing His Sons  -  Harry Anderson

Ephraim, through Joseph, has the birth-right blessing and responsibility to be missionaries – The Lord promised Abraham that his posterity “shall bear this ministry and Priesthood unto all nations” (Abraham 2:9)  “Abraham’s seed have carried out the missionary activity in all the nations since Abraham’s day” (Bible Dictionary, Abraham, Covenant of, p. 602).

Joseph received the birth-right blessing from his father Jacob.  This specifically includes the responsibility in the latter days to deliver the rest of the house of Israel from spiritual bondage.  (See JST Genesis 48:8-11).  This blessing and responsibility was in turn given to Ephraim.  Many leaders of the Church in our day have been and will be of Ephraim. 

The responsibility to be missionaries began in the premortal existence – The doctrine of election is taught in the LDS Bible Dictionary.  Election is “A theological term primarily denoting God’s choice of the house of Israel to be the covenant people with privileges and responsibilities, that they might become a means of blessing to the whole world.  Election is an opportunity for service and is both on a national and an individual basis.  On a national basis the seed of Abraham carry the gospel to the world.  But it is by individual faithfulness that it is done.

“The elect were chosen even before the foundation of the world…”  Election “has reference to one’s situation in mortality; that is, being born at a time, at a place, and in circumstances where one will come in favorable contact with the gospel.  This election took place in the premortal existence.”

It is important that prospective missionaries receive their patriarchal blessing and understand that because of faithfulness in the pre-existence they are blessed to have the gospel in this life, and that they have the responsibility to be missionaries and teach others so they also can enjoy these blessings.

Take your patriarchal blessing on your mission and read it regularly – A patriarchal blessing reminds missionaries of who they were in the premortal existence, and if they were faithful then they can be faithful now.  This strengthens and motivate them, especially during hard times.  Missionaries who strive to be true to their patriarchal blessing will receive an additional endowment of spiritual power.

Alma taught that people are best motivated when they understand correct doctrine:   “And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people (missionaries) to do that which was just – yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people (missionaries) than the sword, or anything else, which had happened to them – therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue (power) of the word of God” (Alma 31:5). 

Understanding the importance of patriarchal blessings motivates and blesses missionaries.