Lessons on Missionary Service
Lesson No. Six

The Temple is an Important Part of Missionary Preparation

The Lord wants the youth of His Church to attend the temple in preparation for their missions –  Over the past few years the First Presidency has been inspired to do several things to encourage temple attendance by the youth of the Church:  

  • In a letter to the Church dated October 8, 2012 the First Presidency wrote:  “We especially encourage youth and young single adults to use for temple work their own family names or the names of ancestors of their ward and stake members.  Priesthood leaders should assure that young people and their families learn the doctrine of turning their hearts to their fathers and the blessings of temple attendance.”
  • The First Presidency has made it possible for the youth to have their own temple recommend. We have long understood that “CTR” which is often seen on rings, pins, etc. stands for “Choose the Right”.  There is now an additional meaning of CTR – “Current Temple Recommend.”  Beginning at age 12 we should have and use a current temple recommend.
  • Sunday clothes, rather than dressed all white, is authorized for the ordinance of Confirmation.
  • Beginning at age 16 young men are authorized to officiate and young women are authorized to assist in the temple baptistry.
  • After you are endowed you can serve as temple ordinance workers as you prepare for your mission.

Temple service allows us to be part of the missionary work taking place in the spirit world

  • Most people in the spirit world will accept the gospel – The gospel is being preached in the spirit world, and there are at least three reasons why there is more success among the righteous dead than there is in this world:  First, because as President Lorenzo Snow said, “the circumstances there will be a thousand times more favorable.”  Second, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints “has a more perfect and effective organization among the righteous dead” than it does on this side of the veil.  (Joseph Fielding Smith, Ensign, Dec 1971) Third, our ancestors are also of the house of Israel, and they will accept the gospel when they hear it.
  • Enabling the dead is the work of our dispensation – We were prepared in the premortal existence for this work:  "Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to the King Immanuel, who hath ordained, before the world was, that which would enable us to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners shall go free" (D&C 128:22, italics added).

The temple enables us to see with the eye of faith – The phrase “the eye of faith” is unique to the Book of Mormon.  (See Alma 5:15; Alma 32:40; Ether 12:19)  Each time this phrase is used it refers to the ability to see into the future, even to the next life, and make a connection between our choices today and the consequences of tomorrow.  In the temple we develop the ability to see with the eye of faith because everything in the temple is focused on eternity.

Temple worship enables us to receive a fullness of the Holy Ghost – To worship in the temple is to come to the temple focused on developing our spiritual selves and to increase in righteousness. Those who “worship in the [temple]” can receive “a fullness of the Holy Ghost” (D&C 109:14-15).  Temple worship will bless our lives in every righteous endeavor. 

As you prepare for your mission nothing is more important than to have the spiritual power that comes through the Holy Ghost.  Temple worship will enable you to be well prepared so that when you arrive in the mission field you will hit the ground running.